A credit union is a cooperative financial institution, owned and controlled by the people who use its services. These people are members. Credit unions serve groups that share something in common, such as where they work, live, or go to church.
Credit unions are not-for-profit, and exist to provide a safe, convenient place for members to save money and to get loans at reasonable rates. Credit unions, like other financial institutions, are closely regulated. And they operate in a very prudent manner. The National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, administered by the National Credit Union Administration, an agency of the federal government, insures deposits of credit union members at more than 11,000 federal and state-chartered credit unions nationwide. Deposits are insured up to $250,000.
What makes a credit union different from a bank or savings & loan? Like credit unions, these financial institutions accept deposits and make loans-but unlike credit unions, they are in business to make a profit. Banks and savings & loans are owned by groups of stockholders whose interests include earning a healthy return on their investments.

Founded on the basic democratic premise of the cooperative movement, credit unions believe that access to low-cost financial services is critical to the health and stability of ordinary citizens. In fact, nearly 80 million Americans trust their credit union to provide the services to improve their financial well being. Credit union membership offers many benefits. Services offered range from simple savings to home equity loans to IRAs. Study after study has revealed that, on average, credit unions provide the best financial offerings with fewer fees, lower rates on loans and higher rates on savings. And credit unions continually score higher than all other financial institutions in consumer satisfaction surveys. Credit unions strive to deliver the best service possible to their most important assets--their members.
To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires us to obtain, verify and record information that identify each person who opens an account.What this means to you: when you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may ask to see your driver's license and other identifying documents. We will also need a copy of a utility bill to verify your address.
To open an account, please stop by the office and allow approximately 15 minutes to complete a membership card and for the staff to copy your identification. In addition, a $5 deposit is required to open the account. This is your money, but this amount is required to maintain an account. You may deposit a check, cash or start a payroll deduction to cover the amount.
Jefferson Community Federal Credit Union was chartered in 1969 under the sponsorship of the US Army, Jefferson Proving Ground and American Federation of Government Employees, Local 2797. The credit union was chartered as JPG Employees Federal Credit Union, and an office was established and located on the proving ground for approximately 25 years.
In December 1988, the Department of Defense announced the first study of the Base Realignment and Closure Committee. The US Army, Jefferson Proving Ground was included on the list of bases identified for closure by September 30, 1995.
The mebership expressed the desire to keep the credit union in operation. The Board of Directors and management of JPG Employess Federal Credit Union supported the decision to continue operations after the closure of the proving ground. The Board also decided to expand the filed of membership in order to revitalize the operations and to preclude a serious decline in membership. At a special meeting February 7, 1995, the Board of Directors voted to change the name of the charter to Jefferson Federal Credit Union. An NCUA Certificate of Approval of Amendment of Charter of Bylaws was received February 28, 1995. The name change decision was deemed necessary to identify the credit union more closely to the expanded area from which the field of membership originally came, namely Jefferson County, Indiana, and surrounding counties including Trimble and Carroll Counites in Kentucky.
In 1998 JCFCU received a community charter and merged in Medical Profession FCU. The Board decided to change the name once again to Jefferson Community Federal Credit Union.